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Icone / Icons
icona russa “I tre Patriarchi: San Basilio, Gregorio e Giovanni”
Russia centrale – fine XVIII inizio XIX secolo
cm. 35,1X26,6 (ref.226)
a russian icon showing “The three Patriarchs: Sts. Vasilij, Grigorij and John”
central Russia – late XVIII early XIX century
cm. 35,1X26,6 (ref.226)
icona russa “San Nicola”
Russia centro-meridionale - XIX Secolo
cm. 35,4X31
a russian icon of “St. Nicholas”
central-southern Russia - XIX century
cm. 35,4X31
icona russa “Santo Apostolo”
Russia centrale – XVIII secolo
cm. 45,5X25,5
a russian icon of a “Saint Apostle”
central Russian – XVIII century
cm. 45,5X25,5
a russian icon of “The Exaltation of The True Cross”
central Russia – second half of the XIX century
cm. 44,7X37,5
icona russa “Santi Scelti con Cristo Pantocrator”
Russia centrale – XVIII secolo
cm. 43,3X37,8 (ref.25)
a russian icon of “Selected Saints with an image of Christ Pantokrator”
central Russia – XVIII century
cm.43,3X37,8 (ref.25)
icona russa “Crocifissione”
Russia centrale – inizio XIX secolo
cm. 44,6X37,7
a russian icon of “The Crucifixion”
central Russia – early XIX century
cm. 44,6X37,7
a russian icon of “The Fiery Ascent of The Prophet Elijah with Scenes From His Life”
Russia – second half of the XIX century
cm. 31,2X26,6
icona russa “San Nicola”
Russia settentrionale – seconda metà del XVII secolo
cm. 32,2X27 (ref.253)
a russian icon of “St. Nicholas”
northern Russia – second half of the XVII century
cm.31,2X27 (ref.253)
icona russa "Ascensione Fiammeggiante del Profeta
Elia e Scene dalla Sua Vita"
Russia centrale - inzio XIX Secolo
cm. 36X30,7
a russian Icon of "The Fiery Ascent of The Prophet
Elijah with scenes From His Life"
central Russia - early XIX century
cm. 36X30,7
icona russa
"Resurrezione 12 Feste"
dipinto a smalto su rame
Russia - Rostov, XIX secolo
cm.-esclusa custodia- 17x13
a russian icon of
"Resurrection 12 Fests"
enamel painting on copper
Russia - Rostov, XIX century
cm. -kyot excluded- 17x13
a russian icon of
"St. Nicholas"
central Russia
second half of the XIX century
a russian icon
"St Pantaleon"
central Russia
late XIX century
cm. 17,6X12,7
icona russa
"Resurrezione 12 Feste"
Russia centrale
seconda metà XIX secolo
cm. 35,5X30,8 (ref.A392)
a russian icon of
"The Resurrection and 12 Major Feasts"
central Russia
second half of the XIX century
cm. 35,5X30,8 (ref.A392)
icona russa "Esaltazione della Croce"
Russia centrale - inizio XIX secolo
cm. 37,5X35 (ref.A418)
a russian icon of "The Exaltation of The True Cross"
central Russia - early XIX century
cm. 37,5X35 (ref.A418)
icona russa
"Resurrezione 16 Feste"
central Russia
inizio XIX secolo
cm.42x34,5 (ref.A460)
a russian icon of
"The Resurrection and 12 Major Feasts"
central Russia
early XIX century
cm.42X34,5 (ref.A460)
icona russa
"San Nicola e scene dalla sua Vita"
Russia centrale, metà XIX secolo
cm. 31,5x27
a russian icon of
"St. Nicholas with scenes from his Life"
central Russia, half of the XIX century
cm. 31,5x27
icona russa
"Trinità dell'Antico Testamento"
Russia centrale
prima metà XIX secolo
cm. 35,5x30,5
a russian icon showing
"The Old Testament Trinity"
central Russia
first half of the XIX century
cm. 35,5x30,5
a russian icon showing
“The Old Testament Trinity”
Palekh school
second half of the XVIII century
a russian icon of
“Selected Saints with an image of Christ Pantokrator”
central Russia
second half of the XVIII century
icona russa
“Resurrezione 12 Feste”
smalti di Rostov
Russia XIX secolo
cm. 22,7x19,7
a russian icon of
“The Resurrection and 12 Major Feasts”
Russia, Rostov XIX century
a russian icon of
“Saint Stephen bishop of Perm”
central Russia
prob. Moscow's school, late XVIII century
cm. 51,2x33,4
icona russa
“Pokrov, Natale, Decollazione
di San Giovanni Battista e Battesimo di Cristo”
scuola di Mstiora, seconda metà XIX secolo
cm.44,5x39 (ref.A522)
a russian icon showing
“Pokrov, Christmast, Beheading of Sanit John
the Baptist and the Baptism of Christ”
Mstiora school, second half of the XIX century
cm. 44,5x39 (ref.A522)
icona russa
“San Pantaleone”
Russia centrale
metà XIX secolo
a russian icon showing
“Saint Pantaleon”
central Russia
half of the XIX century
icona russa
“Resurrezione 18 Feste”
Scuola di Palekh,
fine XVIII secolo
cm. 51,5x42 (ref.A565)
a russian icon
“ The Resurrection and 18 Major Feasts”
Palekh School,
late XVIII century
cm. 51,5x42 (ref.A565)
icona russa
“Resurrezione 12 Feste”
scuola di Mstiora
fine XIX secolo
cm. 36,5x31 (ref.A574)
a russian icon
“The resurrection and 12 Major Feasts”
Mstiora school
late XIX century
cm. 36,5X31 (ref.A574)
icona russa
“Trinità dell'Antico Testamento”
Russia centrale
metà XIX secolo
cm.30,3x26 (ref.A607)
a russian icon showing
“The Old Testament Trinity”
central Russia
half of the XIX century
cm.30,3x26 (ref.A607)
a russian icon showing
“San Seraphim”
central Russia
second half of the XIX century
icona russa
“Resurrezione 12 Feste”
Russia centrale
seconda metà XIX secolo
cm. 35,5x31,4
a russian icon
“The resurrection and 12 Major Feasts”
central Russia
second half of the XIX century
cm. 35,5X31,4
a russian icon
“Sait George and the Dragon”
central Russia – Mstera school
late XVIII century
cm. 37,3x30,7
a russian icon
“Saint Alexander Nevskij”
signed by the artist
central Russia
late XIX century
cm. 26,8x22,1
icona russa “San Nicola”
Russia centrale
fine XVIII inizio XIX secolo
cm. 31x26 (ref.A614)
a russian icon of
“Saint Nicholas”
late XVIII early XIX century
cm. 31x26 (ref.A614)
icona russa “Santi Pietro e Paolo”
Russia centrale
seconda metà XIX secolo
cm. 35,5x31,5
a russian icon of “St. Peter and Paul”
central Russia
second half of the XIX century
cm. 35,5x31,5
icona russa “Arcangelo Michele”
Russia centrale
seconda metà XIX secolo
cm. 31,4x26,7
a russian icon of “The Archangel Michael”
central Russia
second half of the XIX century
cm. 31,4x26,7
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