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Icone / Icons
Icona Russa "Madonna di Vladimir"
Russia - prima metà XIX secolo
cm. 44,7X38,7
A Russian Icon of
"The Mother of God of Vladimir"
Russia first half of the XIX century
cm. 44,7X38,7
Icona Russa “Madonna Gioia degli Afflitti”
Russia – seconda metà XIX Secolo
cm. 35,4X230,7 (ref.A319)
A Russian Icon of
“The Mother of God of All Who Sorrow”
Russia – second half of the XIX Century
cm. 35,4X30,7 (ref.A319)
Icona Russa "Madonna di Smolensk"
prima metà XIX secolo
cm. 32,6X27,6
A Russian Icon of
"The Mother of God of Smolensk"
first half of the XIX century
cm. 32,6X27,6
A Russian Icon of “The Mother of God of Tichvin”
Central Russia – late XVIII – early XIX Century
cm. 52X43,6
A Russian Icon of “The Mother of God of Smolensk”
Russia – first half of the XIX Century
cm. 31,1X26,4
Icona Russa “Protezione della Madonna di Pokrov”
Russia Centrale - fine XVIII inizio XIX Secolo
cm. 49,1X38,2 (ref.140)
A Russian Icon of “The Pokrov”
Central Russia – late XVIII early XIX century
cm. 49,1X38,2 (ref.140)
Icona Russa “Apparizione della Madonna a San Sergio di Radonez”
Russia Centrale – fine XVII Secolo
cm. 33X27,5
A Russian Icon of “The Apparition of The Virgin to Saint Sergei of Radonezh”
Central Russia - late XVII Century
cm. 33X27,5
A Russian Icon of “The Mother of God of The Sign”
Central Russia – first half of the XIX Century
cm. 36X31,5
Icona Russa “Madonna di Tichvin”
Russia – prima metà XIX Secolo
cm. 31,7X26,9
A Russian Icona of “The Mother of God of Tichvin”
Russia – first half of the XIX Century
cm. 31,7X26,9
Icona Russa “Dormizione della Madonna – Natività della Madonna”
Russia Centrale – seconda metà XIX Secolo
cm. 66,5X57,8 (ref.142)
A Russian Icon showing a rare composition:
“The Dormition of The Mother of God – The Nativity of The Mother of God”
Central Russia – second half of the XIX Century
cm. 66,5X57,8 (ref.142)
Icona Russa “Protezione della Madonna di Pokrov”
Russia Centrale – fine XVIII Secolo
cm. 27,5X22,2
A Russian Icon of “The Pokrov”
Central Russia – late XVIII Century
cm. 27,5X22,2
Icona Russa “Madonna del Segno”
Russia Centro-Meridionale
inizio XIX Secolo
cm. 50,5X39,6 (ref.A370)
A Russian Icon of “The Mother of God of The Sign"
Russia Central-Southern
early XIX Century
cm. 50,5X39,6 (ref.A370)
A Russian icon of
“The Mother of God of the Burning Bush”
Russia – late XIX Century
cm. 31X26,6
Icona Russa “Madonna di Kazan”
Russia – prima metà XIX Secolo
cm. 31X26,5
A Russian Icon of “The Mother of God of Kazan”
Russia – first half of the XIX Century
cm. 31X26,5
Icona Russa "Madonna Gioia degli Afflitti"
Russia Centrale
prima metà XIX secolo
cm. 36,5X31,3
A Russian Icon of
"The Mother of God All Who Sorrow"
Central Russia
first half of the XIX century
cm. 36,5X31,3
a russian icon of
"The Pecerskaja Mother of God"
first half of the XIX century
icona russa”Madonna di Vladimir”
Russia centrale – inizio XIX secolo
cm. 34x28
a russian icon of
“The Mother of God of Vladimir”
central Russia – early XIX century
cm. 34x28
A russian icon of
“The Mother of God Lady of Joy”
central Russia
late XVIII early XIX century
icona russa
“Madonna della Gioia”
Russia cento-meridiionale
fine XVIII inizio XIX secolo
cm.35,5x31 (ref.A567)
A russian icon of
“The Mother of God Lady of Joy”
southern center Russia
late XVIII early XIX century
cm.35,5x31 (ref.A567)
A russian icon of
“The Mother of God of The Sign”
central Russia
second half of the XIX century
cm. 35x29,8
A russian icon of
“The Pokrov”
central Russia
half of the XIX century
cm. 34x29
icona russa
“Madonna del Segno”
Russia centrale
metà XIX secolo
cm. 36x30 (ref.A476)
a russian icon of
“the Mother of God of the Sign”
central Russia
half of the XIX century
cm. 36x30 (ref.A476)
a russian incon of
"Mother of God of seven-barrel"
enbroidered cover, with river beads, glass paste and fancy stones
Russia - Belarus area
XIX century
cm. 26x22,7
Kyot (1970') cm. 48x38,5
icona russa
“Madonna di Tichvin”
Russia centrale
prima metà XIX secolo
cm. 53,7x36,1 (ref.A587)
a russian icon
“Mother of God of Tichvin”
central Russia
first half of the XIX century
cm. 53,7x36,1 (ref.A587)
a russian icon
central Russia
second half of the XIX century
cm. 31x26,3
icona russa
“Madonna di Tichvin”
Russia centrale
seconda metà XVIII secolo
cm. 44,4x37
a russian icon
“Mother of God of Tichvin”
central Russia
second half of the XVIII century
cm. 44,4x37
a russian icon
“Mother of God, The Source of Life-Giving”
late XVIII early XIX century
cm. 35,1x29,8
a russian icon
“Mother of God of Vladimir”
central Russia
XVII century
cm. 28x23
a russian icon
“The Pokrov”
central Russia – first half of the XIX century
cm. 31,2x26,7
icona russa
"Madonna di Tichvin"
Russia centrale - Scuola di Palekh
inizio XIX secolo
cm.53,6x44 (ref.A657)
a russian icon
"Mother of God of Tichvin"
central Russia - Palekh School
early XIX century
cm.53,6x44 (ref.A657)
icona russa
"Madonna di Fedorov"
Russia centrale
seconda metà XVIII secolo
cm.71,3x53,5 (ref.A540)
a russian icon
"The Mother of God of Fedorov"
central Russia
second half of the XVIII century
cm.71,3x53,5 (ref.A540)
icona russa
"Madonna del Segno"
Russia centrale
XIX secolo
cm.35,5x31 (Ref.A658)
a russian icon
"Mother of God of the Sign"
central Russia
XIX century
cm.35,5x31 (Ref.A658)
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